Catalyst employee involvement in charity events and giving in 2023 surpasses previous years
Each year, Catalyst Clinical Research employees collectively dedicate time supporting others (with some cross-office competition thrown in for good measure). It is part of who we are and what we do. Last year was no different!
During 2023, Catalyst continued its relationship with two charities that support those with cancer—St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital and Maggie’s—with a variety of engaging events throughout our global offices.
Early in the year, penny wars kicked off a friendly fundraising competition with offices battling to see how much money (or pennies) they could raise. Five-gallon jars collected coins and bills, which were counted (along with online donations) at the end of September with the money provided to each charity on behalf of the office teams.
During Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in September, Catalyst employees enjoyed fun fundraising around the Pjammin’ for Kids with Cancer. Wondering about pjammin’? During the fundraising, employees wore PJs wherever they went for one day. Why? Pajamas are the battle uniform for kids with cancer who often spend extended periods in the hospital modelling their best PJs.

In the middle of the month, remote employees and Catalyst teams in office locations in North Carolina and Connecticut walked or ran a 5k to help support the St. Jude organization. Catalyst employees have supported this event for the past three years.
The end of September was capped off with the UK employees participating in Maggie’s Culture Crawls in Cardiff and Manchester. The Maggie’s Culture Crawls are sponsored 10k walks across the cities with stops at significant and fascinating landmarks along the way while also raising money for people with cancer.
At Halloween, employees donated to the two charities to cast their votes “if they dare” for members of the leadership team to wear a costume for the holiday. A virtual Halloween parade included votes for the top three costumes.

For the 2023 December holidays, each major office pursued a local charitable initiative:
- Those in Wilmington shopped for and delivered gifts to two children whose names were drawn from an Angel tree.
- In the Raleigh area, the team held a clothing drive for Note in the Pocket, which provides quality clothing to homeless and impoverished children and families.
- In Connecticut, Catalyst’s Clinton hub supported Roots4Relief’s “Wishing Wheels Bike Drive,” which aims to provide over 500 children with the gift of a new bike and helmet.
- The Alderley Park office members organized a toy donation drive in partnership with Silk 106 radio station. Employees donated presents that were distributed to children and young people across the Chesire region.

Each action to support a charity or individual is part of the measure of the work Catalyst employees do to make a difference, especially in the realm of cancer research and treatment.
Catalyst is excited to keep making a difference in 2024!