In advance and support of Rare Disease Day, we’ve been featuring rare diseases throughout the week to bring awareness to these uncommon, yet impactful illnesses. These features included Rett Syndrome, Schwartz Jampel Syndrome, and Noonan Syndrome.
Today we couldn’t spotlight just one rare disease, but rather the researchers, patients, families and caregivers impacted by the more than 7,000 identified rare diseases worldwide.
- Thank you, researchers, for the work you do in clinical development to find treatments and cures for those suffering from rare diseases and illnesses.
- Thank you, patients, and study participants, for making the ultimate sacrifice directly responsible for helping potential new medicines become available to patients in need.
- Thank you, families and friends, for the efforts you make in the rare disease community to give your time, make donations, join or host initiatives to help raise awareness.
- Thank you, care givers, for being a key part of the lives of those living and thriving with a rare disease.
Rare Disease Day is not just for patients, but for all who join together to make a difference in the lives of those suffering from rare diseases. It’s not too late to get involved. The official Sponsor of Rare Disease Day in the United States, the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), stands alongside its sister organization, EURORDIS (European Organization for Rare Disorders), organizing official international campaigns providing resources, planning events and accepting donations to aid and assist the rare disease community.
There are more than 450 events taking place in over 100 countries in support of Rare Disease Day. Find an event near you today and join us as we come together to raise awareness for the more than 300 million impacted by rare diseases and make February 29, 2020, the biggest day of the year for Rare Diseases.